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High-ph alkaline ionized water is friendly people and the environment.
强碱性电解水设备碱性离子水机每小时15公斤是非常有效的高碱性电解离子水生产机,使用的电解技术只生产高碱性水,不像其他电解法,它不会产生任何高酸性水或氯气,因此的安装位置没有特殊要求。节省空间的紧密型设计,不锈钢结构可防水和腐蚀。前面的触摸屏可以方便操作设置。其操作快速而稳定,生产碱性离子水时安全并且不破坏环境。出水pH 12.5,瞬间取水量20公斤,造水速度≥每分钟250毫升,可以持续重复生产。
1. 不产生酸性水,产水去污能力强,PH值11.5~12.5;
2. 不含任何化工物质,无毒无害;
3. 离子水不可燃,不受安全规章限制;
4. 不受VOC规则和各种环境规定的限制;
5. 使用工业纯水,通过电解产出碱性离子水,耗电量低,成本低;
6. 可直接排放的新型环保电解离子水,利用封闭循环系统可以实现*;
7. 强碱性电解水无论存放温度的高低,密闭环境下存放一月以上水质稳定,其pH值不会发生变化。
It doesn't generate unnecessary acidic water, because pH12.5 alkaline ionized water is generated continually.
It is not used Nacl at electrolyte, then generated alkaline water is not include chloride(Cl-) . So prevent rust quality is excellent.
Removal of particles is excellent because it is a negative reduction potential.
This is not covered by PRTR, VOC, the Fire Service Act. regulations. (In Japan)
Easier the liquid manage more than surfactant and rinse quality is excellent.
This is 99.9% pure water. Not a dangerous liquid like caustic soda, so it's easy handling.
Washing and prevent rust of mater goods, processing plant goods etc.
Maintenance and clean at the place of pharmacy, foods plant.
Cleaning, deodorization and eliminate germ around the kitchen, bathroom and living room. Cleaning, deodorization and eliminate germ in the car.
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